Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Today is a day like none other

So I'm going to start up this blog again, and I'm doing so for a few reasons.

- friends
- family
- jesus
- and now that I'm on the computer so much more for work, I have the time, hence the new title.

If somehow you have not heard I started doing video production work with the Tennis Center. In the past two weeks I've also done a project for the Community Center.

So far, except for the stress of wondering if they will like the work, I love it! For many months I didn't plan on doing much with my Delta experience, but an opportunity changed that.

I saw 11 slug bugs yesterday. TS

Jer rocks, thanks for scanning in those photos. You will be paid in BWW.

Looking forward to MD's Friday night. Should be fetch. Maybe this time he will aim his pong shots instead of just whipping them.



Bethany said...

I'm glad you started writing again. I've been a faithful reader of nothing for too long. :) See you in the car.

Adam J. said...


Alison said...

I'm glad you're blog is up and running again. I'm also glad that you're doing work you really like, that always makes life a lot easier!