Friday, September 11, 2009

Here we are......

So Adam has decided to stay logged in to his blogger account so here we are... posting a fun message. As Karen says, "Adam made a fatal mistake." The only problem is that we are out of ideas. So I need some suggestions. What would you like to hear? Leave us some lovin'!

Karen and Kuri!


Bethany said...

I think the obvious answer is to post unflattering pictures of him sleeping. But that might be too obvious, and not devious enough.

I accidentally leave comments as him sometimes, because whenever he has me check his email for him, it leaves every google id thing as him. We could steal his identity.

Kari Beth said...

Pictures could be good... I may have a few in boxes at home that could help a lot! As for the identity theft... could be out of our league. However he does stay signed in to things a lot, could be easier than planned.