Friday, January 12, 2007

Working fool, and writing

well not really but I did work like 11 hours today, so that was good. If want to get that Mac Book and camera and have money to go to AZ I best keep working.

Went to Meijer with Dino the Sister. Had a good time. Bought a bunch of food, can't wait to eat it.

I'm banana-ing the first for seasons of Scrubs, its gonna take forever.

Still haven't received any comments about the field turf, synthetic grass idea proposed for UF.

Sometimes I miss school because they would make me write. Like in creative writing we had to just sit and write. So this is what I'm thinking, someone challenge me to write something. ANYTHING, short story, poem, catch phrase. Subject, content, whatever. You set up the assignment and give a week to get it done.

Oh yeah, fake grass and putting greens.


Matt said...

Dude isn't it "apple-ing"

Anonymous said...

i think u should write a short story on why u think the sky is up and the ground is down. ponder that.